PRP is the treatment process that accelerates and regenerates the slowed cell renewal again and is applied with the help of plasma obtained from the person's blood. Thanks to PRP treatment; you can get rid of skin disorders, hair loss, and orthopedic disorders. Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is the process in which a small amount of blood is obtained from the body of the person, and the plasma of the blood is separated by a special process and injected back into the body.

By taking advantage of PRP treatment, people can be protected from some diseases thanks to their blood. PRP is preferred in hair loss, skin rejuvenation, and many orthopedic treatments.

What is PRP Injection?

PRP is the process performed to separate the plasma of the blood taken from the person’s body with a special process and return it to the body. This sample, taken from the person’s blood, has a very rich structure and has an important role in wound healing.

It is one of the priorities of PRP treatment to heal some diseases by using a person's blood or to contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin. In PRP treatment, cell regeneration is performed using the patient’s blood.

PRP is used in many areas from pain treatment to orthopedic treatments, especially hair loss and skin rejuvenation.

How is PRP Performed?

PRP treatment hair prp orthopedic prp face prpThe specialist physician takes blood from the patient and puts it into a special tube. A special mixture is prepared by combining the blood taken from the patient and the tube containing the gel. The mixture is applied to the patient with the injection method. PRP treatment, which is applied between 2 and 4 weeks, takes 3-4 sessions according to the needs of the person.Men and women can have PRP treatment. PRP application for hair is one of the most preferred treatments. PRP therapy can be done to correct different types of hair loss.

Female pattern hair loss, male pattern baldness, alopecia areata, and hair thinning are some of the most popular ones. The patient's blood type, skin condition, and skin disease are taken into consideration while the specialist doctor creates a treatment plan.

The main questions for PRP are:

Why is PRP Applied?

You may have many reasons to benefit from PRP treatment. PRP is one of the natural treatment methods and it is preferred for reasons such as hair loss, wrinkles, and skin regeneration, increasing the healing process of the skin, cracks, and relieving pain.

How is hair treatment done with PRP?

PRP treatment offers a real solution against hair loss and patients get effective results. After the patient’s blood is processed, it will be injected into the area to be treated. This method, which is very effective for genetic hair loss, is performed in 30 minutes. After the PRP treatment, you will not feel any pain and you can have bushy and shiny hair.

How long does hair treatment with PRP take?

A single session of this procedure, which is applied every 15 days, takes 30 minutes. PRP treatment takes an average of 3 to 4 months and is used once a year after the end of the first year.

How does the skin rejuvenation method with PRP be applied and how many sessions does it take?

PRP treatment is one of the most preferred procedures among skin rejuvenation methods and is one of the methods that treat skin damage in the fastest way. PRP takes place between 3-4 sessions with an average of 2 to 4 weeks. The PRP method provides rejuvenation with a completely natural practice without giving any foreign substances or drugs to the body.