Botox is among the aesthetic types made to minimize sweating in areas with excessive sweating and to reduce forehead and facial wrinkles that appear with the movements of mimic muscles. It is an easy aesthetic treatment preferred for the removal of wrinkles.

What is Botox?

Botox, also known as botulinum toxin, is used for aesthetic purposes today but plays an important role in the treatment of many diseases. It offers solutions for the treatment of many diseases such as lazy eyes, overactive bladder, and chronic migraine. At the same time, botulinum toxin treatment treats diseases such as excessive sweating, strabismus, and cervical dystonia.

You can choose a botox application to get rid of the problems over time and to give the face a young and bright look. Botox is an extremely easy, comfortable, and painless aesthetic procedure that you can apply in your daily life.

Botox cosmetic applications have the power to change face perception. Bunny lines, fine lines, and wrinkles are reduced or eliminated by this medical procedure, resulting in a younger, more beautiful, and aesthetic facial appearance.

 Which Areas Are Botox Injected?

  • Around the mouth and lips,
  • Lines around the eyes and crow’s feet
  • Wrinkles and lines on the neck,
  • Deep lines between the two eyebrows,
  • Forehead lines.


Who is Suitable For Botox?

With the help of Botox injection, the function of the muscle is temporarily stopped. It blocks or stops the incoming signals for the muscle to perform its function. This prevents the muscles from contracting and prevents the area from wrinkling. This method can be applied to different parts of our body for aesthetic purposes, but it is especially preferred in the face area.

It is also applied to prevent wrinkles and sagging caused by laughing. Botulinum toxin procedures are suitable for anyone between the ages of 18-65. However, it is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding people to have Botox.

aesthetic botox treatment Botox usually takes 15 minutes. It takes 24-72 hours for the injected substance to show its effect. Sometimes this period can be extended to six or seven days. Side effects that may occur after the procedure require medical attention.

Swelling and redness at the injection site, bruising, and eyelid drooping are some of the side effects. After the operations on the upper lip area, the doctor should be consulted if it causes reactions such as crooked laughter or drooling.

One or two weeks after the Botox process, effects such as muscle weakness, vision problems, and loss of bladder control are serious side effects. Injected botulinum toxin can cause respiratory insufficiency and death. Botulinum toxin is produced by a bacteria named clostridium botulinum in laboratories.

How Long Does Botulinum Toxin Process Take?

In order to achieve the tight skin that you dream of, your priority should be a good selection of the doctor who will perform the process. The reason is that any mistake made during the Botox procedure causes the person to have problems throughout his/her life. The specialist physicians of Clinique Plus provide you with a professional service for all the procedures.

Before the Botox procedure, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the allergy medications, muscle relaxants, and sleeping pills used by the person. People who use blood thinners should stop their medication two or three days before the procedure.

For people who are worried before the procedure, the doctor can numb the area where botox will be applied. The area is anesthetized with ice and vibration anesthesia, and topical anesthesia. Local anesthetic creams are also used.

During the Botox procedure, botulinum toxin is injected into the area with small and thin needles. This can be applied on the skin or on the body.

After the Botulinum Toxin procedure, the area should not be massaged or rubbed. Such actions may cause the injected material to spread. For this reason, the desired effect is not seen. After such minor procedures are performed, the person returns to their normal activities within 24 hours.